T@b Window Awning Hem Tutorial
There are a few things that add to the aesthetic of a T@b window awning, first and foremost is a fabric that is sturdy and appealing. Then there's the hem. There are three basic options for hems for T@b awnings: Straight, Angle & Scallop.
The following instructions outline the steps to achieving each of the three hem types.
- No extra steps required, simply sew the awning as cut.
This hem type is a V shaped, with a point in the middle and cut slightly shorter on each side.
- Fold the awning side to side so that the fold is the horizontal center of the awning.
- For T@gs, T@b 320s and the side and/or back window for the T@b 400, mark up 2.75" from the bottom on the NON-fold edge.
- The T@b 400 front window should be marked at 3.75".
- Pin the bottom of the fabric together to keep it stable.
- Use a straight edge to draw a line from the new mark to the bottom center of the fold.
- Cut along the line.

Note: scallops are not usually recommended for window awnings for the T@g or T@b 400 awnings. To look their best (e.g., turn right-side out and allow for smooth topstitching), a scallop should be at least 6" wide, and there should be a minimum of 4 scallops to look balanced. T@b windows are small and just on the edge of achieving this. The T@b 400 presents slightly different challenges as the window width on each window is different so that the scallops will be a different size for each awning.
- Take two pieces of 8.5 x 11" paper and cut them to create four 4.25" x 11" pieces. Tape the pieces together, end to end, so you have a piece of paper that is 4.25" x 44".
- Mark the center of your long piece of paper in the middle at 22" (fold the paper in half, and you have now marked the midpoint.
- For generic scallops (e.g., you are not trying to match them to a geometric pattern on the fabric), place four marks, two on each side of the center mark, spaced 9" apart. There 44" piece of paper now has five marks on it, each spaced 9" apart, covering 36". These marks should go side to side along the 4.25" width. (Image #1 below)

- Draw a horizontal line 1" from the top of the 44" piece of paper.
- Draw a second horizontal line 3.25" from the top (or 1" from the bottom) of this piece of paper. (Image #2 below)
- The top line will be the top of the scallop, and the bottom line the bottom.
- Now it's time to search your home for a round bowl or plate that will allow you to create a semi-circle that meets precisely at (a) in Image #3 without crossing over the bottom line at (b). It's a bit of trial and error that often saw me looking at less-used serving dishes in the china cabinet. (Image #3 below).
- Shallower scallops are ALWAYS better than deeper scallops. They are easier to make and easier to sew. Increase the size of the plate/bowl being used for the template to create a shallower scallop. Do not exceed the height between the two horizontal lines for the depth of the scallop.
- Use a pencil to draw the outline of the plate/bowl on the paper from (a) to (a).
- Repeat for the 3 other 9" sections. It will look like Image #4 below at this point.
- Trim the paper to create a template that looks like Image #5. Leave the tails on either end. The finished awning is 39", and the scallops cover 36", so there is a 1.5" edge on either side.
- Mark the bottom center of the awning by folding it in half, side to side, place a dot on the fold at the bottom of the fabric.
- Set the template across the bottom of the awning, with bottom tip of the scallops matching the bottom edge of the fabric.
- Center the template on the awning; the center of the scallops should be at the mark you made on the awning fabric in the step above
- Carefully hold in place while using a pen to trace the scallops onto the fabric. It is not easy to write on outdoor fabric, so be patient and make sure that you are getting a good line.
- Remove the template and cut the fabric along the line you have just created.
- Repeat for all awnings AND for all awning lining pieces.
Scallops for geometric prints (including stripes): This is a bit more complicated; the goal is for the scallops to be harmonious with the geometric pattern on the fabric. When originally cut, the awning should have been centered on the patterned fabric horizontally.
- Evaluate the pattern on the fabric and determine how to lay out the scallops best.
- Guidance:
- No fewer than 4 scallops.
- Scallops should be at least 6" wide.
- For the 320, they can't be any wider than 9.75" wide.
- Get creative, if there are 2" stripes, make an 8" scallop.
- Once the scallop pattern is decided, calculate the distance between the scallop sides based on the patterned fabric.
- Determine how many scallops will be required based on the calculations (40" divided by the size of the scallop). If it is an odd number, you will be using the center of your middle scallop as the center vs. the point between the two middle scallops.
- Create the scallop template the same way as outlined above, using the new dimension instead of the 9" in the previous instructions. The key is to make sure that the scallop height is limited to a maximum of 2.25" (the distance between the 1" and 3.25" lines drawn on the template).
- Shallower scallops are ALWAYS better than deeper scallops. They are easier to make and easier to sew. Increase the size of the plate/bowl being used for the template to create a shallower scallop.